Four More 8 Second Alpha GT-Rs – Courtesy of Alpha Logic

Not too long ago, we were the first GT-R to break into the 8’s. Knowing the hardships we and others endured to get there is seems almost surreal. Since that first 8 second pass in 2011 the AMS Team and its customers have been able to put 14 different GT-R’s into the 8 second club. Thanks to our friends Alpha Logic and their customer’s, that number just jumped to 18 in just a 48 hour period.

Alpha Logic has been a cornerstone for GT-R performance in the Middle East. Their approach to building a car and customer service is beyond comparison. It’s only fitting this fantastic company and their customers have logged one of the greatest 48 hours in R35 performance to date. It’s important to note that not only did these four cars enter elite company but in total they combined to collect NINETEEN 8 second time slips!!!!!

Each car was tuned in person by AMS’ very own Chris Black on his latest trip to Dubai. Four 8 second cars from one shop in a 48 hour period is one impressive feat. It’s also important to know these cars were almost all practically full weight! The few that had weight taken out only did so by removing the passenger seat for the runs.


AMS Performance
1760 Metoyer Court
West Chicago, IL 60185
847-709-0530 /

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