AMS Sponsored boomn29 – Double NASA TTB wins & Track Record!

3 weeks after the Redline event, I returned to Joliet, IL to run with NASA. I was very happy to place 2nd in Redline Street AWD, as my car isn’t really prepared well for the ruleset. What I really prepped the car for this year was NASA TTB trim. If anyone has been following my threads/blogs I detuned the car from last year and have worked to reduce the weight down to the minimum allowed. Looks like things are finally paying off!

7/18 – 7/19 – NASA Midwest at Autobahn Country Club – South course.

Video of 2 hot laps in my best session; skip to 2:05 for my best lap.

The day started off not so great. In the very first session of the day I overheated my brakes; lost them completely and suffered a pretty major off through T11. I was pumping my pedal to the floor and using the e-brake to no avail. Top speed on this section was about 115mph; I went off at 90mph and was extremely fortunate there were only tall weeds to mow down. I ended up sliding down a small hill sideways around a barrier and stopped just before the property fence. Yikes!
I came back in feeling extremely fortunate I still had a car. I did a complete flush of the brake system, completely removed my underpanel I had installed, tried to pull out all the weeds I could.
Only missing 1 session, I lined up after lunch with a dirty car and fired a first hot lap that pushed me to first in class. The weather was perfect; sunny, no wind and low 70’s – great turbo weather! At the end of the day I had a best of 1:36.2 and 1st in class out of 4. I also had the 4th fastest time of the day out of 20+ cars besting several cars that were in TT classes higher than me.

Weather was again gorgeous. I studied my data overnight and decided to ‘brake less’ basically! lol. I also looked and I was .7 away from the track record Sat; so I was pumped. In the first session I had some whacko tire temps, but still fired a time close to Sat’s best. Not many changes here. I corrected the pressures and tried to dial in more front camber. I came away with a 1:35.3 – setting a new track record!

In summary:
1 nasty off; 2 TTB class wins and the TTB track record!
Huge thanks to AMS. I know I have said this before, but the 93oct tune I was running was impressive. I dunno it if was the cool temps or the testpipe I switched to (was a HF cat) but it felt like a beast and I really pulled out from the apexes all weekend. Also helping to put that power down was my Mullerized JIC’s. The car has remained nearly neutral all year with ZERO adjustments to this point from John’s initial recommendations – and that’s with running 4 different brands of tires, 3 different tire sizes and 2 different Ecu tunes with ~50whp differences!

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